Drama tips
Hammer session
Japansk serie.
11 episoder.
År: 2010
Main character:
- Hayami Mokomichi as Hachisuka Goro
- Shida Mirai as Tachibana Kaede
- Higa Manami as Mizuki Ryoko
"Two prisoners managed to escape after the police truck carrying them crashed. One of them ,is a gangster. The other called "Otowa YonKo" - our protagonist - is a con artist whose cheats money from criminals or terrorists. Accidentally, "Otowa Yonko" then becomes the new teacher for the nearby high school, under the new name "Hachisuka Goro", and according to a deal of "Hammer Session" with the headmaster. Hachisuka immediately focuses on a student called Shiba whose assault on a homeless man was distributed over the internet."
Det va länge sen jag såg en så här bra serie.
Rolig och ibland väldigt rörande och huvudpersonen (Hachisuka Goro) är så sööt och rolig :DD
Haha skulle lätt kunna ha honom som lärare ;)
Haha skulle lätt kunna ha honom som lärare ;)